Tax Preparation services
Tax Preparation in Upper Arlington, OH & Urbana, OH
Brown & Brown CPAs, LLC has talented CPAs and accountants that provide services for individual, business, and nonprofit income tax planning, tax estimate, and tax preparation in Upper Arlington, OH and Urbana, OH. We also prepare tax returns for other taxes that businesses and nonprofit organizations will often encounter. Income tax return preparation can be a very stressful and difficult process for many businesses and individuals. Let a CPA at Brown & Brown help improve this experience. You can be confident that your income tax return will be prepared accurately and prepared to minimize your overall income tax burden by taking advantage of all available deductions and credits.
Individual Income Tax Services
Using their experience in tax preparation and our professional tax software, our accountants and CPAs can efficiently and accurately prepare your individual federal income tax return and related schedules, as well as preparing any state, school district, and city income tax returns that apply to your situation. We go through a comprehensive checklist with all clients to ensure that we pick up all tax breaks that you are allowed. Further, we perform a free analysis of every married couple's return to determine if it is better to file jointly or separately. Complete our Client Checklist and contact us today in Upper Arlington (Columbus) and Urbana, Ohio, to get started.
In addition to preparing your individual income tax return, our accountants and CPAs can also assist you in a variety of other areas, including:
Tax Planning
Estimated Taxes
Resolution of Tax Notices & Delinquencies
Client Tools
To help our clients with the tax preparation process, we have included several tools below that we encourage you to use. These tools have been designed by Brown & Brown to give you direction on how to summarize information and allow us to prepare your tax returns more efficiently. We encourage you to download and use them today.
We request that all clients complete this checklist to update us on items that will affect your taxes this year. This list identifies the most common documents and pieces of tax information that you should provide to us for tax preparation. It is not an exhaustive listing.
This template contains several helpful worksheets that you can use to organize and summarize information for us, including charitable contributions, home office deductions, medical deductions, and estimated tax payments.
Use the IRS Where's My Refund tool to get updates on your tax refund.
Business & Nonprofit Tax Services
Our accountants and CPAs are adept in preparing business tax schedules that are included on your individual income tax return, such as a sole proprietorship on Schedule C, rental properties on Schedule E, or a farm on Schedule F. We are also skilled in the preparation of partnership (including LLC's), S-Corp, C-Corp, nonprofit and trust tax returns. However, our services go beyond tax preparation. We work to understand your business or nonprofit organization and help you better understand its financial and tax situation. We will work to help you plan from a tax perspective, including initial entity selection, estimating your taxable income and taxes, ideas to minimize your tax burden, and analyzing transactions for their tax impact. We serve Upper Arlington (Columbus) and Urbana, Ohio.
Other Tax Preparation Services
As a small business or nonprofit, you are faced with many tax challenges in addition to income taxes. We support our clients by assisting them with the preparation of many of these tax returns. These include, but are not limited to:
• Payroll taxes (including W-2s & W-3s)
• 1099s
• Sales and use tax
• CAT tax
• IFTA tax
• Property tax
• Franchise tax
Business Income & Expense Summaries
Brown & Brown has developed these worksheets to assist small business owners, landlords, farmers, and owner-operators who do not have an accounting program such as QuickBooks in summarizing their income & expenses for tax preparation purposes. Each workbook contains a summary option and a detailed option that you can use, depending upon your needs.